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Tired of Feeling Frustrated by Low Libido? 

Welcome to a space where frustration transforms into fulfillment and where low libido becomes a thing of the past. As your Sex Coach, I understand the intricate balance between mind, body, and desire. Let's embark on a journey together to unlock the secrets to reigniting your passion and reclaiming your intimate connection.

Gone are the days of feeling frustrated by low libido. It's time to embrace a new era filled with freedom and pleasure. Through personalized guidance, tailored strategies, and empathetic support, I'll empower you to rediscover the joy and passion in your sex life.

Together, we'll dive into the root causes of your challenges and create holistic solutions that honor your unique needs. Whether it's exploring communication techniques, nurturing self-care practices, or incorporating sensual rituals, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to a renewed sense of intimacy and pleasure! Your journey towards a fulfilling sex life starts here. Let's jump into this transformation together.

It’s Time To Embrace Your Own Sexual Freedom 

With one-on-one guidance and support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner sexual self.



Support Starts Here

Sex coaching is basically like having a personal trainer, but for your sex life. It's all about getting some help to boost your sexual desire and satisfaction. 

When working with me as your Sex Coach, I'm like your guide to understanding what's going on with your sex struggles. I help you figure out what's getting in the way of your sexual desire, explore what turns you on, and even help you talk openly with your partner about your needs and fantasies.

Think of it as a mix of learning, talking, and experimenting to make your sex life more exciting and fulfilling. The goal? To help you feel more confident and satisfied in the bedroom. And hey, it's all done in a safe and supportive environment, so you can really open up and explore without any judgment.



Below is a list of some of the most common sex struggles I help individuals and couples overcome.

Low Libido

I'll help you uncover the root causes of your challenges, develop personalized strategies to reignite your desire, deepen intimacy, and guide you towards a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life where pleasure and connection thrive!


I'll help you and your partner navigate those tricky communication waters in the bedroom so you can openly express your desires, needs, and fantasies, leading to a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life.

Religious Stigma

Together, we'll work through the shame, guilt, and taboo surrounding sexuality, especially under the lens of religious stigma, helping you reclaim pleasure and intimacy in the bedroom without judgment or constraints.


Let's work together to uncover the barriers to reaching climax and explore personalized techniques and strategies to help you achieve the satisfying orgasms you desire.

Bedroom Confidence

I'm here to support you in embracing your body and boosting your confidence in the bedroom, helping you feel sexy, empowered, and ready to fully enjoy intimacy with your partner.

Sex Education

Let's work together to navigate the often challenging but essential task of teaching your kids about sex in a way that's informative, comfortable, and empowers them to make healthy choices in their relationships and sexual lives.

Turn On Your Pleasure


Embark on your journey towards sexual fulfillment with Sex Coaching, a distinct approach that propels you towards your desired goals. Unlike therapy, Sex Coaching operates on a forward-thinking premise. While therapy delves deep into the past to foster healing and comprehension of the present, Sex Coaching prioritizes progress. Rather than revisiting past traumas, our focus lies on navigating forward.

In my Sex Coaching practice, I integrate two effective methodologies:

Firstly, the MEBES model guides our sessions, addressing the crucial aspects of Mind, Energy, Body, Essence, and Spirit, all of which significantly influence your sexual experiences.

Additionally, I employ the PLISSIT model to craft a personalized coaching strategy. PLISSIT, an acronym for Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions, and Intensive Talking, ensures a structured and comprehensive approach to addressing your needs and aspirations.

I'M Jessica B.

Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

"I am calling my inner Jess and wanna make a post about even tho it's cold outside it's getting steamy in the bedroom 🤣"


"I love your content as it has helped me so much with loving myself. As a 23 year old trying to navigate past trauma while in a relationship and trying to be a good Christian it's been nice having someone to look up to."




Have you ever felt like something is missing in your sex life? Like no matter how hard you work at it, you are always feeling a little broken?

If so, then Sexual Freedom Coaching is definitely for you.

I'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know and love who you are as a sexual being, I'll teach you how to nurture and protect that sensual person as you go through your daily life.


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



3 recurring calls

Ideal for individuals struggling with:

  • Low libido
  • Orgasm
  • Confidence
  • Shame/Guilt
  • Overcoming Religios Stigma



6 Recurring Calls

Ideal for Individuals/Couples with:

  • Mis-matched Libido
  • Feeling Disconnected
  • Creating Space for Sex
  • Shame/Guilt/Religious Stigma/Trauma



12 Recurring Calls

Ideal for individuals/couples  who struggle with:

  • Deep rooted shame/guilt
  • Livelong religious stigmas
  • Inability to connect
  • Intersecting faith + sex

Sexual Freedom Guarantee

I stand by my products/services. If you're not satisfied, let me know so I can make it right!